Mindsets of a leader

ANNOTATION Leaders in general have a mix of traits, but most are ruled by two…

What you don't know

ANNOTATION This article really breaks down the basics to understanding the…

Learn to Love Networking

ANNOTATION In a world becoming ever more connected, the age-old rule that who…

Behind the Chart

ANNOTATION Understanding informal relationships within an organization is the…

Understanding Your Network

ANNOTATION Tortoriello shares with his readers how leaders can increase…

The Attention Merchants

ANNOTATION Advertising is the means in which we have monetized our attention.…

Data+Driven Storytelling

ANNOTATION To effectively communicate something, you need to understand your…

Get Over Your Fear of Conflict

ANNOTATION Avoiding conflict in the business setting can be unconstructive,…

The Encomium of Helen

ANNOTATION A beautiful composition of poetry, humor and rhetoric. This piece…

Ineffective Apologies

ANNOTATION Apologies are an essential method of repairing relationships in the…